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Egadi Islands

Favignana, Levanzo and Marettimo

islands Exploration

Go boating and experience the best holiday of your life!


Favignana, "the big butterfly on the sea" as it was defined by the painter Salvatore Fiume in the 70s, is the capital and largest island of the Egadi archipelago. The island was known in ancient times with various names such as Aponiana, Katria, Gilia, Aegusa in Latin or Auegusa (from the Greek "island of goats" due to their abundant presence on the island).
Favignana is also remembered by many ancient writers such as Pliny, Polybius, Nepoziano, the anonymous Ravennate and by Arab geographers it was known by the name of Djazirat 'ar Rahib ("island of the monk or hermit", due to the castle that stands on the top of the island, where he would have lived , to be precise, a monk). The current name of Favignana dates back to the Middle Ages and would derive from the name of the Favonio wind coming from the West.
Let's Explore


Levanzo was known in antiquity with various names such as Buccina, Forbantia and among Arab geographers with the name of Djazirat 'al Yâbisah ("the Arid"). There are various hypotheses regarding the origin of the current name of the island.
It could derive from the water supply methodology used on the island, consisting of the age-old lever applied to the only well on the beach located to the south, hence "lever up" . Another hypothesis suggests that the name of the island of Levanzo derives from a transformation of the word "Laepantio", a name that perhaps could derive from that of a man of illustrious lineage who would have had dominion over the island or from the sailors of Levanto.
Let's Explore


Marettimo was known in antiquity with various names, including Iera ("the sacred") and among Arab geographers with the name of Djazirat Malîtmah.
The current name of the island could originate from the fusion of the words sea - thyme, a hypothesis that draws its formulation from the abundance of thyme present on this island.
Let's Explore

Beaches, caves and diving

The island of Favignana is the perfect destination for those who love to enjoy a crystal clear sea with regenerating colours, with a coast also characterized by small coves and numerous sandy glimpses in the southern area.
Indeed, the Favignanese coasts offer different locations to meet everyone's tastes: there are beaches with fine golden sand such as Cala Azzurra, Lido Burrone, Calamoni; or suggestive coves of sand and pebbles located in the area of ​​Punta Lunga, Preveto, Faraglioni and Punta Sottile, from which you can enjoy breathtaking sunsets of rare beauty in which the sky is tinged with wonderful colours. There are also numerous areas that offer characteristic inlets that are perfect for snorkelling. Particular is the famous Cala Rossa which offers both rocks and sand set in a sea that embraces shades ranging from blue to light blue. There are also typically rocky areas for those who love diving, such as Grotta Perciata, Punta Fanfalo or Il Cavallo. Unmissable are the sea caves, reachable by boat, such as the Grotta dei Sospiri.


The smallest of the three Egadi islands, it offers suggestive and secluded pebble and sandy beaches located along the path that leads to the Faraglione.
In the south-eastern part of the island, the visitor will be able to appreciate and enjoy the splendid waters of two coves, which can be reached both by land and by sea: Cala Fredda, characterized by a pebble beach and a comfortable slide, and the wilder Cala Minnola. For diving enthusiasts, Levanzo offers a very attractive archaeological-underwater itinerary: between 27 and 30 meters deep between Cala Minnola and Punta Altarella there are the remains of a Roman wreck, about fifty wine amphorae and fragments of ceramic pottery in black paint dating back to the 1st century BC.


Marettimo is the wildest and most uncontaminated of the Egadi. Thanks to its remoteness, the impervious nature of the mountain and the low impact of man on the environment, it preserves a very precious vegetative and faunal heritage.
is very rich in caves, both emerged and submerged and has about 400, which can be visited in a circumnavigation of the island. The sea caves are its flagship, real masterpieces created by the expert hands of a nature that has sculpted them for centuries, such as the Grotta del Tuono or del Presepe, famous for its stalactites and stalagmites, or the Camel cave. Marettimo also offers splendid experiences for diving enthusiasts, such as diving off the coast where the wreck of a merchant ship is found, diving in a cave at a depth of 30 m., diving at the Secca del Cammello and many others where it is possible to enjoy the beauty of pristine and crystalline waters and admire the marine flora and fauna.

Snorkelling in the waters of Preveto, characterized by seabeds full of life.

Guided visit to the Tonnara di Favignana former Florio factory. Observe the panorama from the Castle of S. Caterina, the highest point of Favignana, with a view of the entire archipelago. Bike, electric bike and scooter rental Taste the local delicacies.

Recommended restaurants: Osteria del Sotto Sale, Restaurant Ammukka, Restaurant Matri Mia, restaurant Camparia.

Elegant and suggestive location for an aperitif with a view of the Tonnara di Favignana. Stroll between the two squares of the town and the small port, up to the seafront with a view of Levanzo.

levanzo island

Discover Levanzo Island

Visit the Grotta del Genovese, the most important complex of wall figures in our country.  Take an excursion and go around the island by boat, enjoying all its colors and shades and taking care to make stops in the most beautiful coves. Take a relaxing walk in the green pine forest.  Admire and photograph the panorama of the Mediterranean.  Take a dip in the splendid waters of Cala del Faraglione, Cala Tramontana or Cala Fredda.  Dine in a restaurant overlooking the sea during sunset.  Have breakfast while admiring the sunrise on the Egadi Islands.  Go diving to visit shipwrecks dating back to the Punic Wars.  Taste the cabbucio prepared with Levanzara from “Panetteria La Chicca” Recommended restaurants: Arcobaleno restaurant with terrace overlooking the sea and view Paradise restaurant

marettimo island

Treat yourself to the ultimate luxury experience on a private yacht.

Make at least one dive to admire the spectacular underwater landscape of the island. Visit the archaeological site of “Case Romane” and the Byzantine church.  Visit the promontory and the recently restored Punta Troia Castle.  Admire the Egadi from the highest peak of the archipelago. Visit the typical museum of the sea. Taste the pasta with Egadi lobster. Follow one of the many trekking routes in contact with nature. Take a walk towards Pizzo Falcone or Pizzo Madunnuzza. Immerse yourself in the marvelous waters of Cala Bianca. 

Restaurants: “Il Veliero” – “La ladder” –  “Al Carrubo” – “La Cambusa” –  “The Pirate”